Saturday, April 11, 2009

Benton Road and Around the Block Series #2

Here is the second of my Benton Road series. This is a barn about 1/2 mile from my house. I loved the snowy path leading up to the barn and the way the light and shadows interact on the snow and structure. The "posted" sign added extra interest. The title of this watercolor painting is "Posted" - No surprise there!


  1. My favorite of the series (so far). Love the way the chain & sign slow your eye from traveling up the lane too fast. The shadows contribute to that, too. Nicely developed whole picture - the parts all belong to each other. And somehow the posted sign just begs one to enter, doesn't it?

  2. Your blog is coming along nicely with all of your paintings and what a nice story it tells.
    This is a great painting with muted forground and the vibrant colors down the path. I have seen this one in person and it is wonderful!

  3. this makes me want to take a walk to the park... have you seen the new bridge?
